Страдательный Залог The Simple Tenses (Passive Voice) I. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола во временах группы Simple Passive.

1. The apartment last week. a) is sold b) was sold c) will be sold

2. Your free gift to you in the next few days.

a) aren’t sent b) was sent c) will be sent

3. A fashion show next week.

a) is not held b) will not be held c) was not held

4. Why James to leave the club?

a) was … asked b) is … asked c) are … asked

5. the tickets ten days ago?

a) will … be booked b) are … booked c) were… booked

6. I often to the international conferences.

a) is … invited b) am … invited c) were … invited

7. When the further information ?

a) were … obtained b) will…be obtained c) are … obtained

8. The awards by Tom Hanks last year.

a) were presented b) is presented c) was presented

9. this cake with fresh cream?

a) are … filled b) is … filled c) were … filled

10. Football by a lot of men.

a) are enjoyed b) were enjoyed c) is enjoyed 11. How often his suits ?

a) was … dry-cleaned b) are … dry-cleaned c) is … dry-cleaned

12. his arm in a car crash last Friday?

a) is … broken b) are … broken c) was … broken

13. Every day millions of emails round the world.

a) was sent b) are broken c) is broken

14. Helen and her sister French at school.

a) was not taught b) is not taught c) are not taught

15. Next year I much time to do this

a) am not given b) shall not be given c) was not given

win66123 win66123    1   13.06.2020 17:17    6

batya757757 batya757757  15.10.2020 13:56

1 .

The apartment was sold last week .

2. Your free gift will be sent to you in the next few days.

3. A fashion show will not be held next week

4. Why was James asked

to leave the club?

5 . Were the tickets be booked ten days ago?

6. I am often invited to the international conferences.

7. When will the further information be obtained ?

8. The awards were presented by Tom Hanks last year.

9. Is this cake filled with fresh cream?

10. Football is enjoyed by a lot of men .

11.How often are his suits dry-cleaned ?

12. Was his arm broken in a car crash last Friday?

13. Every day millions of emails are broken round the world.

14. Helen and her sister are not taught French at school.

15. Next year I was not given much time to do this .


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