1) Mother …be cooking something delicious, I can smell it.

2) I … be running a temperature, I feel seedy.

3) You …have put so much salt in the soup. It’s too salty now.

4) They … have sealed up the windows yet. It’s so cold here.

5) Jane has taken the linen to the laundry. The washing-machine …have gone

wrong again.

6) You …have put on warmer clothes. Now you have a fever and a runny nose.

7) … I be walking in the wrong direction? I don’t recognize the place.

8) I don’t believe it! She … prefer meat to vegetables! She is a vegetarian.

9) You …do your work immediately!

10) She …walk very well yet. She is too small.

Use the correct Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in brackets.

1 I wish I (think) of it before. It’s a good idea.

2 But for my help he (fail) at the final exam.

3 Her eyes had shadows as though she (not sleep).

4 But even if you were right I (prefer) to act in my own way.

6luille9 6luille9    1   17.06.2020 02:15    15

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