Стестом по , , хотя бы на пару вопросов.
types of universities in the uk
1) the name "oxbridge" has been denoting the universities of oxford and cambridge. they (to found) in the medieval period. each college (not to have) got full independence. they are federations of semi-independent colleges. each college (modal verb) have its own staff, known as "fellows". most colleges have their own dining hall, library, chapel and enough accommodation for at least half of their students. the dining hall is an important feature of the typical oxford and cambridge college. it (to provide) a place to both dine and socialise.
2) the fellows teach the college students, either one-to-one or in very small groups (known as "tutorials" in oxford and "supervisions" in cambridge). oxbridge (not to have) high student/staff ratio. in fact, it's the lowest one in britain. as well as the college libraries, there are two universities libraries. a free copy of every book published in britain (modal verb) be legally sent to both of them. before 1970, all oxbridge colleges (to be) mostly for men. now both men and women (to admit) by nearly all colleges.
the old scottish universities
3) by 1600, scotland (to have) four universities – glasgow, edinburg, aberdeen and st. andrews. the last of these resembles oxbridge in many ways, while the other three are more like civic universities. the students (not to live) in a hostel. it (not to provide) for students by universities. they live at home or find their own rooms in town. at all of them, the pattern of study (modal verb) be compared with the continental tradition. it is closer to it more than to the english one – there is less specialization than at oxbridge.
the early nineteenth-century english universities
4) durham university (to establish) in 1832. its living arrangements are similar to oxbridge. its academic matters are organized at university level. it (modal verb) be mentioned that the university of london started in 1836 with just two colleges. many more universities (to join) since, scattered widely around the city. so that each college being non-residential is almost a separate university. the central organization (not to be responsible) for living arrangements. it's responsible for exams and the awarding the degrees.
the older civic ("redbrick") universities
5) during the nineteenth century, various institutes of higher education, usually with a technical bias, (to appear) in the new industrial towns and cities such as birmingham, manchester and leeds. they were necessary for providing new enterprises with specialists. their buildings (not to construct) of stone as older universities were built. the older civic universities (not to be constructed) of modern material, often local material, such as brick. that's why they (modal verb) be called "redbrick" universities.
6) they (no to cater) all people, only for local ones. at first, they (modal verb) prepare students for london university degrees. but later the older civic universities (to give) the right to award their own degrees. they became universities themselves. since the mid twentieth century they (to accept) students from all over the country.

the campus universities
7) the campus universities are purpose-built institutions. they (to locate) in the countryside outside a nearby town. examples are east anglia, lancaster, sussex and warwick. they (modal verb) provide accommodation for most of their students on site. from their beginning, mostly early in the 1960s, they have been attracting students from all over the country. they tend to place emphasis on social sciences. they (not to make) greater use of teaching in big groups. they prefer to teach students in small groups often known as seminars. in several years students (to have) more possibilities for entertaining after studies.

выберите один ответ:
a. present progressive;
b. present perfect;
c. present simple;
d. past simple;

OlegBasov OlegBasov    2   15.01.2020 07:06    272

АНТО14 АНТО14  10.01.2024 19:05
В данном тексте представлены описания различных типов университетов в Великобритании. Для выбора правильного времени глагола в каждом предложении, необходимо внимательно прочитать текст и обратить внимание на контекст и значение глаголов.

1) "The name "Oxbridge" has been denoting the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. They (to found) in the medieval period." - В данном предложении используется глагол "has been denoting", что указывает на длительное действие, происходящее в настоящем времени. Правильный ответ: a. Present Progressive.

2) "The fellows teach the college students, either one-to-one or in very small groups." - В данном предложении используется глагол "teach", который указывает на обычное или повторяющееся действие. Правильный ответ: c. Present Simple.

3) "By 1600, Scotland (to have) four universities – Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and St. Andrews." - Данное предложение описывает событие, произошедшее в прошлом, поэтому используется глагол "to have" в прошедшем времени. Правильный ответ: d. Past Simple.

4) "Durham University (to establish) in 1832." - Здесь также описывается событие, произошедшее в прошлом, поэтому используется глагол "to establish" в прошедшем времени. Правильный ответ: d. Past Simple.

5) "During the nineteenth century, various institutes of higher education (to appear) in the new industrial towns and cities." - Данное предложение описывает событие, произошедшее в прошлом, поэтому используется глагол "to appear" в прошедшем времени. Правильный ответ: d. Past Simple.

6) "They (modal verb) prepare students for London University degrees." - Здесь пропущено модальное глагол, но по контексту понятно, что "they" (старые городские университеты) предлагали подготовительные программы. Поэтому правильным ответом будет c. Present Simple - "They prepare students for London University degrees."

7) "The campus universities are purpose-built institutions. They (modal verb) provide accommodation for most of their students on site." - Здесь также пропущено модальное глагол, но по контексту можно понять, что "they" (кампусные университеты) предоставляют проживание на месте. Правильный ответ: b. Present Perfect - "They have provided accommodation for most of their students on site."

Итак, ответы на вопросы:
1) a. Present Progressive;
2) c. Present Simple;
3) d. Past Simple;
4) d. Past Simple;
5) d. Past Simple;
6) c. Present Simple;
7) b. Present Perfect.
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