степени сравнения прилагательных 1. Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. 2. Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. 3. Jack is the (clever) of the three brothers. 4. dirty – 5. bad – 6. difficult – множественное число существительных 1. one leaf (один лист) – many …… 2. one tooth (один зуб) – many …… 3. one photo(одна фотография) – many …… 4. one secretary (один секретарь) – many …… there is/there are 1. There (not) a big tree in my yard. 2. there two small sport grounds in your last school? 3. There some new buildings in my district next year. 4. there any trees in this street? модальные глаголы 1. You … not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.(должен) 2. You … not change the name of text as I asked you the day before yesterday?(может) 3. … we go to the café tonight, please? (может) 4. Citizens … clean their yards on Saturdays? (должен) 5. You … not fix my car fast, you are not a mechanic.(может) Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple 1. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday. 2. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend. 3. We … (write) not an essay tomorrow. 4. Where she … (celebrate) her last birtday? 5. Vegetarian person … (eat) not meat.

nermine nermine    1   17.06.2020 11:19    11



1.Nick is the happiest boy that I know. 2. Steve Jobs is more famous than Stephen Wozniak. 3. Jack is the cleverest of the three brothers. 4. dirty – durtier – the durtiest 5. bad – worse – the worst. 6. difficult – more difficult - the most difficult.


1. one leaf - many leaves. 2. one tooth – many teeth. 3. one photo – many photos. 4. one secretary – many secretaries.


1. There is not a big tree in my yard. 2. Are there two small sport grounds in your last school? 3. There are some new buildings in my district next year. 4. Are there any trees in this street?


1. We went roller-skating last Saturday. 2. Our granny bakes meat-pies every weekend. 3. We won't write an essay tomorrow. 4. Where did she celebrate her last birtday? 5. Vegetarian person doesn't eat meat.

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