Степени сравнения прилагательных 1) kate is … than ann. a) beautiful b) beautifuler c) more beautiful 2) monkeys are … than cats. a) funny b) funnier c) more funnier 3) who is the … pupil in your class? a) good b) goodest c) best 4) tom is the … pupil in the class. a) bad b) worst c) baddest 5) this is a very … story. a) good b) gooder c) better 6) summer is … than autumn. a) good b) gooder c) better 7) mrs smith is the … teacher. a) best b) badder c) worse 8) is tom … than his brother? a) clever b) cleverer c) more cleverer 9) this test is the … . a) difficultest b) most difficult c) difficult 10) this street is … than that street. a) noisier b) more noisier c) noisiest 11) who is the … runner in the class? a) best b) goodest c) most good 12) are frogs … than snakes. a) more ugly b) uglier c) ugly 13) the car is … than the bike. a) better b) badder c) gooder 14) this film is … than that film. a) interestinger b) more interesting c) interesting 15) bob is … than tom. a) healthy b) more healthy c) healthier 16) this story is … than that story. a) worse b) badder c) worst 17) rats are … than mice. a) biggerer b) bigger c) more bigger 18) ann is than jane. a) politer b) polite c) more polite 19) this street is the … in the city. a) widest b) widerest c) wider 20) july is … than may. a) nice b) nicerer c) nicer

антон778 антон778    3   10.08.2019 06:00    13

L00KING L00KING  02.08.2020 12:26

1 c

2 b

3 c

4 b

5 a

6 c

7 a

8 b

9 b

10 a

11 a

12 b

13 a

14 b

15 c

16 a

17 b

18 c

19 a

20 c

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