Ссочинением по языку на тему рассказ одного вида вымирающего животного

ogorodnikovkir ogorodnikovkir    2   22.06.2019 05:00    0

Grinberg2003 Grinberg2003  17.07.2020 13:34
The Amur tiger is one of the smallest subspecies of tiger , the most northern tiger . Included in the Red Data Book.
The area of this tiger is concentrated in a protected area in the south -east of Russia , on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions .
Amur tiger on current data refers to the largest subspecies , wool thicker than tigers living in warmer areas , and its color is lighter. The basic coat color in winter - orange, white belly .
The Amur tiger - the lord of vast areas , the area of ​​which the female is 300-500 km ², and the male - 600-800 km ².
The basis of the diet are red deer , sika and red deer, roe deer , wild boar , elk , lynx .
The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia . In April 2007, experts from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that the population of tigers has reached the maximum of one hundred years , and that Tiger is no longer on the verge of extinction

Амурский тигр является одним из самых маленьких подвидов тигра, самый северный тигр. Включен в Красную книгу.
Площадь этого тигра сосредоточен в охраняемой зоне на юго-востоке России, по берегам рек Амур и Уссури в Хабаровском и Приморском краях.
Амурский тигр по текущим данным, относится к крупнейшим подвидом, шерсть гуще, чем тигров, живущих в более теплых областях, и ее цвет светлее. Основной цвет пальто зимой - оранжевый, белый живот.
Амурский тигр - властелин огромных территорий, площадь которых самки 300-500 км ², а самец - 600-800 км ².
Основой рациона благородный олень, пятнистый и благородный олень, косуля, кабан, лось, рысь.
Амурский тигр занесен в Красную книгу России. В апреле 2007 года эксперты Всемирного фонда дикой природы (WWF) объявили, что популяция тигров достигла максимум сто лет, и что тигр больше не на грани вымирания
Endangered animals
From year to year the interest to rare endangered animals grows up.  Especially rare types of animals deserve great of attention and careful attitude. 

Wild animals make that part of the organic world which turns out to be the most vulnerable, and the loss of it is not only real but it may occur in the shortest time. Famous English  scientist Gerald Darrell said about the attitude of people to the wild-life: «Our world is as complicated and  vulnerable as a spider's web. We may touch a single part of it and all the rest will shake as well. But we not simply touch the web but produce gaping holes in it; we conduct, if it is possible to say, biological battle against the environment». The fauna of our planet is the indivisible system, and the loss of any, the most insignificant at first glance, section leads to serious changes. That is why it is important to save every type of animals. Every kind is unique, interesting and necessary for people and nature.

In spite of understanding this fact, people contaminate and drain rivers and lakes, destroy  forests, senselessly kill wild animals. The famous specialists Harper and Allen counted up that for the last twenty centuries hunters and colonists have already destroyed 106 types of large beasts and 139 species of birds. Only in 19 century seventy types of animals became extinct, for the last fifty years-forty types have disappeared!

Today the most well-known species of endangered animals, which are under the threat of complete disappearance, compute a blue whale, a Floridian panther, an arctic bear, a mountain gorilla, a  cassowary, an Ussuriisk tiger and a giant panda. Animals disappear as a result of people’s influence on their life. People involuntarily take away their small brothers’ natural places of habitation, theirs fodder sites, cut down forests, cultivate deserts, contaminate seas and atmosphere. As a consequence animals are exterminated as fast as by means of a gun, poison, traps.

Blue whales, for example, die out  for innutrition. The destruction of the ozone layer leads to the reduction of the amount, of plankton in the World Ocean, and  it turns out to be the main food of whales.

A snow leopard or an ounce used to be called a precious brilliant in a pearl frame of mountains. Rich nomads decorated their clothes with the fur of a leopard- it was considered to be very honorable. As a snow leopard  lived in out-of-the-way places, people never hunted this animal earlier those days, but nowadays a great number of ounces are killed as well as herds of mountain goats, morals and roes whom snow leopards hunt.

Trees felling and vigorous activity of poachers become the reason of reduction of the population of mountain gorillas.

A cassowary-the second-large bird in the world living in Australia- dies out today. The reason of considerable decrease in its population is the development of swine-breeding. Pigs ruin nests of birds and destroy their eggs.

The number of Ussurisk tigers decreased tragically in Russia. In 1980s the population of this animal reached its peak. But at the beginning of 1990s the Iron Curtain fell. Borders swung open and Chinese smugglers, ready to buy up the whole taiga, rushed into Russia. Tigers didn't give in without a fight – a great  amount of people found their death from teeth and claws of the lawful governor of a taiga. And only in 1994 the World fund of the wild nature came  to the Far East with the project of preservation of the Amur tiger. Now the number of the Amur tiger is stabilized at the level of 450  hundred.

Thus, the problem of preservation of wild animals has many moral, esthetic, ecological, genetic, economic and other aspects. Once sports used to need advertizing and encouragement, and hunting literature used to help people to love the  beauty of the nature. Those years passed away. Now it is a too wasteful way of love.

A little more time will pass and all humanity will consider so-called sports hunting to be a shameful remnant of wildness and a murder of an animal without need will be punished by the law as strictly as a murder of a person. Any murder, both of a person and an animal, causes a big moral loss, first of all to the one who kills, and to those people who surround him. If it  proceeds in such a way there will be no more animals to kill soon, and  engineers will have to make hares, deer and wood-grouses of nylon and other chemical substitutes, and then they will let them out into the woods, also nylon.

It is time to introduce proper order on the Earth, to break senseless destruction of wild animals and woods, pollution and  withering rivers and lakes! Nowadays protection of nature is not the academic theory but the urgent need.

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