:сс : compare these people with help of '' or 'not '(сравните этих людей с "'или'not " 1. ann has got eyes of the same colour as john's. 2.rose is taller than cathy. 3.linda has got curly hair. mary has got curly hair,too. 4.bill and tom are good pupils. 5.my grandparents are older than yours. 6.brenda is better at skating than lisa. ! с:

GirlFromTransylvania GirlFromTransylvania    2   11.08.2019 13:40    3

Ivan700 Ivan700  02.08.2020 13:50
1/Ann's eyes are as brown as John's eyes.
2.Cathy is not as tall as Rose.
3.Linda's hair is as curly as Mary's.
4.Bill is as a good pupil as Tom
5.Your grandparents are not as old as mine.
6.Lisa is not as good at skating as Brenda.

В первом не уверена, т.к. в предложении нет прилагательного, нужного для этой конструкции, поэтому поставила просто brown
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