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1. It was a warm Saturday morning in June. Jason and Toni woke up at sunrise and packed a picnic lunch. They were excited about riding their bikes all the way to Summit Mountain. Jason is part Native American, and he was excited to explore the place where his ancestors once lived. They stopped to have a drink of water from a clear stream. Toni noticed something gold shining at the bottom of the stream. It was a gold box with a picture of a buffalo carved into the top. It looked very old.

Jason had an idea.

Toni and Jason wondered what they should do with the gold box.

Toni and Jason gave them the gold box to inspect.

It was real.

They rode to the Native American Museum in town.

They wrapped the box in a rag and rode down the mountain.

The museum put the gold box on display with a sign that read: Donated by Toni and Jason.

Should they keep it?

Toni and Jason wanted others to see the beautiful treasure

7rus790 7rus790    1   17.05.2020 10:56    8

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