Спроизношением на языке. ''good morning'', said miss tucker and she gave the books to the children. hank took his book. he looked at it, but he didn't like it. then miss tucker told the children about her holidays. ''i was on a real ranch this summer. i saw cowboys at work, and i learnt to ride a horse.'' she laughed. ''what did all of you do this summer? '' hank thoght of miss tucker on a real horse. a teacher on a horse! the children talked about their holidays. but hank didn't listen. hank thought of lake camp, and puffy '' this year we will look after the science room,'' said miss tucker. buddy said, ''i have got some rocks. ican bring them.'' "good! '' said miss tucker. ''we'll have a rock collertion.'' ''i've got some seashells.'' ''i've got a magnet.'' suddenly hank said, ''miss tucker, i've got a pet snake. he is a beautiful snake. he's very, very harmless.'' miss tucker said, ''you may bring puffy.''

katya100507 katya100507    3   03.07.2019 14:00    2

Мур3иk Мур3иk  02.10.2020 19:11
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