Spring or jackets.
day for Welsh people. It's St David's Day. He is
St David's Day. March 1st is a very important
the "patron” or national saint of Wales. On March
1st the Welsh celebrate St David's Day and wear
daffodils in the buttonholes ['batnhəvlz] of their coats
May Day, May 1st was an important day in the
Middle Ages, the celebration of summer's begin-
ning. For that day people decorated houses and
streets with branches of trees and flowers. In the very
early morning young girls went to the fields and washed
their faces with dew [dju:). They believed this made them
beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day the
young men of each village tried to win prizes with their
bows and arrows. People put a striped maypole decorat-
ed with flowers and danced round it. Some English vil-
lages still have maypole dancing on May 1st.​

conyp2005 conyp2005    2   22.10.2020 10:09    1

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