Спредлогами .я вроде знаю.но для сравнения напишите ваше мнение. 1)when the teacher entered__the classroom__the lowood charitable institution.all the boys rose __their feet to greet him. 2)the old man could hardly climb__the stairs. 3)the door opened .a man motioned __me to enter,and i was admitted__the house. 4)i did enjoy my thirty days vacation__the alps.but i was very lonely__my friends whom i had left__home. 5)the dog is hiding__the porch__the house. 6)the train went __the tunnel 7)this plateau is__sea level. 8)the have been gone__paris__wednesday. 9)he had to leave the office early__thursday 10)the small lizard crawled out __the rock.

Тефте Тефте    2   20.03.2019 05:10    2

danypapajoy8eeo danypapajoy8eeo  26.05.2020 06:28

1 the, the, of  the,to;
2 по-моему не надо ничего.
3ненадо,  into
4In,  without, at
5 on
6  ничего.

7 at
8 for, on 

9 on

10  of

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