Спо инглишу : 3 exercise 6. in the texts about lasers you have come across such adverbs as “considerably”, “frequently”, “continuously” etc. let’s recollect what an adverb is. these are words which inform us about: 1) how something is done (quickly, slowly, carefully, on foot, by bus, these are adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner; 2) where something is done (there, at home, in england, on web, at work, these are adverbs and adverbial phrases of place; 3) when something is done (yesterday, today, next week, at 5 o’clock, these are adverbs and adverbial phrases of time. now, you should remember the order of these words in a sentence: it is “manner- place-time”. example: our students made this experiment successfully last week. however this order changes as soon as we meet “movement verbs”. then the order is: “place-manner-time”. example: we went to the computing laboratory quickly after classes. try this exercise: 1. i worked (at the office, hard, today). 2. i’m travelling (every summer, by bicycle, to my native village). 3. he studied (last year, a lot, at university). 4. i drive (every morning, to work). 5. the friend walked (through the park, home, this afternoon). 6. the orchestra performed (at the concert, magnificently, last night). 7. she translated the text (quickly, yesterday, at the lesson). 8. the engineers return (by plane, to france, every weekend).

matwei123 matwei123    2   08.07.2019 10:40    0

Polinazaya02 Polinazaya02  16.09.2020 11:50
1. I worked (hard at the office, , today).
2. I’m travelling (to my native village by bicycle every summer, , ).
3. He studied (, a lot, at university last year).
4. I drive (to work every morning, ).
5. The friend walked ( home through the park,, this afternoon).
6. The orchestra performed ( magnificently, at the concert, last night).
7. She translated the text (quickly, at the lesson yesterday, ).
8. The engineers return ( to France, by plane, every weekend).
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