Спишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и поставив глаголы в страдательный залог. Используйте схему.
1. Nature (destroy) today.
2. Ponds and rivers (pollute) by plants and factories.
3. Paper and glass bottles (recycle) every day.
4. Litter (leave) in the forests and parks.
5. Earth (protect) by eco-friendly people.
6. Animals and birds (disturb) in the countryside.
7. Air, water and land (spoil) by industry.

КариM КариM    2   15.05.2020 01:03    2

Strellerts Strellerts  14.10.2020 19:17

1. Nature is destroyed today.

2. Ponds and rivers are polluted by plants and factories.

3. Paper and glass bottles are recycled every day.

4. Litter is left in the forests and parks.

5. Earth is protected by eco-friendly people.

6. Animals and birds are disturbed in the countryside.

7. Air, water and land are spoiled by industry.


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