Спереводом,! мне кажется,что через 100 лет наступит жизнь в мире высоких технологий. давайте представим, что сейчас 2115 год. год, в котором люди не знают,что такое болезнь и смерть. человечество перешагнуло порог бессмертия, а медицина побеждает любой недуг. секрет этого чуда - создание микроскопических нанороботов, которых вживляют в человеческое тело,когда он заболел или находится при смерти. эти нанороботы, попадая в кровь, чистят организм и исправляют все неполадки, убивают вирусы и инфекции. так,даже когда-то самая страшная болезнь рак стала как обычная простуда. люди не знают,что такое война и голод. все конфликты решаются мирным путем. высоким достижениям в науке, повысился урожай. долго изучая растения и почву,ученые пришли к созданию новой системы, позволяющей расти любой культуре без каких-либо затруднений. если раньше, растение могли атаковать паразиты,то теперь , специальным удобрениям, когда на растение садится вредитель оно вырабатывает особые частицы, которые,попадая на жука,убивают его. что касается образования,то оно стало абсолютно доступным для всех. обучение в школе начинается так же, как и 100 лет назад. изменения произошли в самой системе: каждому ребенку в школе выдавали планшет с возможностью выходить в интернет на уроках, что позволило детям искать информацию в дополнительных источниках. никто не забывал и о книгах. школьников обязательно знакомили с столетий. особое внимание уделяется изучению языка. он стал основным для общения со всеми . система оценивания осталась прежней,только теперь оценки заносились в большой школьный компьютер. в каждом классе были все при к учебной деятельности: компьютеры, проекторы, бесплатный вай фай. еще в каждом классе был буфет, чтобы дети могли подкрепиться в любой момент. питание и учебники полностью оплачивались государством. через 100 лет люди стали полностью обеспеченными, ни в чем не нуждались. я надеюсь, что пройдет время и в следующем веке человечество выйдет на новый улучшенный уровень жизни.

газмадошка4 газмадошка4    3   24.06.2019 03:10    0

лиз20031 лиз20031  19.07.2020 19:22
"I think that in 100 years there will come a life in the world of high technology. Let's say that now in 2115. The year in which people do not know what the illness and death. Humanity has crossed the threshold of immortality and medicine wins any disease. The secret of this miracle - the creation of microscopic nanobots, which is implanted in the human body, when he fell ill or near death. These nanobots, getting into the blood, cleanse the body and correct all the problems that kill viruses and infections. So even once the most terrible disease cancer has become like the common cold. People do not know what war and famine. All conflicts are resolved peacefully putem.Blagodarya high achievements in science, increased harvest. For a long time studying the plants and soil scientists have to create a new system that will grow in any culture without any difficulty. If earlier, the plant could attack the parasites, but now, thanks to a special fertilizer when the plant gets a pest it produces special particles, which, falling on the beetle kill him. With regard to education, it has become absolutely accessible to all. Schooling begins in the same way as it was 100 years ago. Changes have occurred in the system: every child in the school were given a tablet with access to the Internet in the classroom, allowing children to look for additional sources of information. Nobody did not forget about books. Schoolchildren necessarily familiar with the literature of the past centuries. Particular attention is paid to the study of English. He became the principal to communicate with all nations. Evaluation system remains the same, only now estimates recorded in high school computer. In each class were all adaptations to training activities: computers, projectors, free Wi fi. Yet in each class was a buffet, so that children can eat at any time. Food and books are fully paid by the state. After 100 years, people have become completely secured, nothing needed. I hope that the time will pass in the next century, mankind will enter the new and improved standard of living."
Катя444411 Катя444411  19.07.2020 19:22
It seems to me that in 100 years there will come a life in the world of high technologies. Let's imagine that now 2115 year. The year in which people do not know what illness and death. Humanity crossed the threshold of immortality, and the medicine beat any disease. The secret of this miracle is the creation of microscopic nanobots, which are implanted in the human body when it is sick or dies. These nanorobots, getting into the blood, cleanse the body and correct any problems that kill viruses and infections. So,even once the most terrible disease of cancer has become as common cold. People don't know what war and famine. All conflicts are resolved peacefully.Due to the high achievements in science, increased harvest. For a long time studying the plants and the soil,scientists came to the creation of a new system that allows you to grow any culture without any difficulty. If earlier, the plant was able to attack the parasites,but now ,thanks to a special fertilizer when the plant sits pest it produces a special particles, which,falling on the beetle kill him. As for education,it has become absolutely accessible to all. School starts the same way as 100 years ago. Changes have occurred in the system: each child in the school was given a tablet with the ability to go online on the lessons that allowed the children to search for information on additional sources. No one has forgotten books. Students necessarily acquainted with the literature of the past centuries. Special attention is given to learning English. He was the main to communicate with all peoples. The evaluation system has remained the same,only now estimates were recorded in a large school computer. In each class were all adaptations to educational activity: computers, projectors, with free wifi. In each class was a buffet, so the children could eat at any time. Food and books are fully paid for by the state. In 100 years people have become completely off anything not needed. I hope that time will pass and in the next century, humanity will reach a new and improved standard of living.
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