Спереведите и сделайте choose the right item 1)they are drivers.they drive their cars (dangerously,dangerous) 2)he got up and left the room withhout saying a word.she gave us a look but did not say a word.(quickly,quick) 3)do you think his english is he speak english (fluent,fluently) 4)his speech impressed me greatly.he didnt give us any details about the trip,he spoke very .(brief,briefly) 5) walk across the road .my father is a : he has never had any problems.(careful,carefully) have a plain.many years ago people called this place .(differently,different)

timur123123 timur123123    2   20.07.2019 07:20    2

alina1abikeeva alina1abikeeva  03.10.2020 08:34
Знаю только 2 По моему quikly
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