Special Schools. Present Simple Read the summary of the text and use the correct Present Simple verb form (affirmative or negative). At the Brooklyn Free School, New York, children (have) a curriculum and grades. The school (have) a timetable. There are students who prefer having classes on a regular basis with fixed timetable. Some students (decide) for individual studying and they (prefer) doing projects themselves. It (take)) them a long time to finish the studies but they do not mind.

Special Schools. Present Simple Read the summary of the text and use the correct Present Simple verb

steshina27 steshina27    2   03.11.2020 10:45    0

dbnzgh dbnzgh  03.12.2020 10:45

At Brooklyn Free School, New York, kids have a curriculum and grades. The school has a schedule. There are students who prefer classes on a regular basis with a fixed schedule. Some students choose one-to-one tuition and they prefer to do projects themselves. It takes them a long time to finish their studies, but they don't mind.

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