Special Schools Present Simple Read the summary of the text and use the
correct Present Simple verb form
(affirmative or negative
At the Brookon School New York chien
eve) cum ar
There are students who prefer angcasses
on a regular basis with med timetable
Some students
studying and they career) domy
projects themselves
take)) them a long time to nnish the
studies but they do not mind​

fsychih46 fsychih46    3   10.09.2020 18:46    1

dima102603 dima102603  11.09.2020 12:01

Look, write everything concisely and understandably because I don't like And four is some kind of gopnik and so let's start and so change the ava and so and so I'm definitely tired of writing to you and so I and so I am writing to you again and so ah yes don’t care consider this an answer

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