Speaking competitrone
Total 151
Task 4. Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Ask your classmate 3 questions about sport.
Use some word combination from the box.
Example: -What kind of sport do you like?
-I like play golf. What about you?
10 no
1o jo
https://goo, su/1TWy)
Do skateboarding , play football, go rafting, do karate, cycling, skiing, play golf,
do athletics​

dianaroza01 dianaroza01    3   03.06.2021 05:03    1

DathVayolet DathVayolet  03.07.2021 05:13

1.Do you like play football?

Yes, l do

2.What do you think about karate

I don't like karate, it's for boys

3.What kind of spor you like the most?

I like cycling the most.

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