Speak about your family traditions. give some information about: - how big your family is; - what each member of your family likes doing in their free time; - what things you usually do together; - what holiday food you like to cook; - how you decorate your house.

marina999mmm marina999mmm    1   13.07.2019 18:20    0

Akale Akale  20.09.2020 07:26
I have a small family;mother,,sister and i.in our house 3rooms also bathroom living-room kitchen.
as for me,i have many interesting hobbies 
one of my hobbies is reading;i love to read book because each of them -a window into another world,fictional reality.which allows you to look  at the reality of the existing different eyes.my sister very like a phorography,she likes to take pictures of nature.once a month we go to the theater or cinema.soom the new year and we usually cook'olivie'
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