1. We watching a television programme now. 2. television crery day. 3. It...
rainine ven hard at the moment. 4.1... hear you well. s. lt., rain very much in summer. 6. Mr
Johnson dating his lunch now. 7. Mr Johnson.. always eat at that cate & see any
students in that room. 9. They ... like milk for lunch. 10. Ho... have money for a new car
Yupakneme 4. Harmtume compoco e do does is are nu am
1 . you learn new words in each lossen?
2... you learning the new words right now?
3... she usually sit at the third desh?
shi sitting the third desk today
5. you read many books every year?
0. ... you reading an interesting book now?
Yupanchue 5. Indume ONORU W
M 60
1. We not going to school today. 2. What you doing after school? 3. It the moment Pater is no
in Russia. 4. Does he got a new car? 5. He never wear a hat 6 le don't like black coffee He
are have a good time. 8. What you doing now It rains at the moment. 10. How you like the