Space travel Choose the correct option of the verb. Take note of the Future tense.
Hi Emma,
How are you? I am writing to you from the spacecraft Challenge. You can’t even imagine, I am flying to Mars, the Red planet. It is an amazing view from the spaceship window porthole. I will land on Mars in ten hours. On the planet I will meet aliens, I think they will be friendly and we will make friends. The aliens will show me their planet. I think I will see many interesting places and things there.
I think in the future travelling into space will be popular. There will be space travel agencies which will organize space travels. There will be space airports and there will be a space railway station where space tourists will travel from one planet to another. The space travel agents will give you all the information you need for your trip so you will travel to other planets better, longer, and cheaper. We will book space flights and space hotels. When space travel becomes more popular, people will travel more. They will know more about aliens and life on other planets. I want you to join me and see my new alien friends.
When I come back, I will travel to another planet. Will you join me?
That’s all my news for now. I will write to you more about my new friends when I have time.
Take care,

Gulnar is writing to her friend from
Gulnar is flying to

Space travel Choose the correct option of the verb. Take note of the Future tense. Hi Emma,How are y

рустамммм рустамммм    3   23.02.2021 16:33    2

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