Составьте вопросы с предложенными словами. используйте “is” и “are”. 1. (at home / your mother? ) 2. ( your parents / well? ) 3. ( interesting / your job? ) 4. ( the shops / open today) 5. ( interested in sport / you? ) 6. ( near here/ the post office? ) 7. ( at school / your children? ) 8. ( why / you late? ) 9. (where / ann from? )

Зефирка170504 Зефирка170504    2   29.05.2019 09:40    14

tatyanavartanyp06xy5 tatyanavartanyp06xy5  28.06.2020 10:29
1.Is your mother at home?
2.Are your parents well?
3.Is your job interesting?
4.Are the shops open today?
5.Are you interested in sport?
6.Is the post office near here?
7.Are your children at school?
8.Why are you late?
9.Where is Amm from?
Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык