Составьте вопросы, начинается со слов в скобках 1.steve stays at the office till 8 p.m. (where) 2. mary comes home late on monday (when) 3. ann watches television (how often) 4. people do stupid thing (why) 5. i paid a lot for the computer ( how mach) 6 sacs said something about the accident (what) 7 this type-writer cast a lot ( how much) 8. mike left early (when) 9. mary made some spelling mistakes (how many) 10. mary bought some perfume (what

Клевер21 Клевер21    2   17.08.2019 03:20    1

ashbringer12332 ashbringer12332  04.10.2020 23:56
1.Where does steve stay  till 8 p.m?
2. When Mary come home late ?
3. How often does Ann watche television ?
4. Why people do stupid thing ?
5. How much  did I pay  for the computer ?
6 What did sacs say  about the accident ?
7 How much  does his type-writer cost ?
8. When does Mike left ?
9. How many did Mary make some spelling mistakes ?
10. What did Mary buy?
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