Составьте вопросы к ответам:

пример: i go to school. do you go to school?

1. i live in canada.

2. i have omelette for breakfast.

3. he starts his working day at 9.00 a.m.

4. my son wakes up at 7.30 a.m.

5. no, i don’t smoke.

6. we get to work by car.

7. she doesn’t eat meat because she is vegetarian

диана2263 диана2263    3   27.10.2019 13:40    12

silonte silonte  10.10.2020 09:52

1 Where do you live?

2 What do you have for breakfast?

3 When does he start his working day?

4 When (What time)does your son get up?

5 Do you smoke?

6 How do you get to work?

7 Why doesn't she eat meat?

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