Составьте во в времени (см.пример).
1) you / live in a palace - No
Did you live in a palace? - No, I didn’t.

2) Andy / work yesterday - Yes
3) your mum/ cook dinner - No
4) your dad / swim in the sea - Yes
5) it / rain yesterday - No
6) Mary / listen to music all day - Yes
7) Bob / wash the dishes – Yes​

din46 din46    1   11.05.2020 22:33    1

2312YQw 2312YQw  14.10.2020 13:37

2 Did Andy work yesterday?Yes,she did.

3 Did your mum cook dinner?No,she didn't.

4 Did your dad swim in the sea?Yes,he did.

5 Did it rain yesterday?No,it didn't.

6 Did Mary listen to music all day?Yes,she did.

7 Did Bob wash the dishes?Yes,he did.

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