Составьте во предложения, используя Past indefinite
football / play / he / yesterday *
my / pen / to be / it *
London / they / in / to be / last year *
a doctor / to be / two years ago / my mother *
have / we / breakfast / at 7 o’clock *
Irina / nice clothes / day before yesterday / wear *
this morning / I / drink / coffee *
see / we / a spider / yesterday *
she / eat / apples / this morning *

snkashleva133 snkashleva133    2   25.04.2020 14:03    4

zexer9p07xi1 zexer9p07xi1  03.08.2020 08:57
Did he play football yesterday
Was it my pen
Were they in London last year
Was my mother a doctor 2 year ago
Did we have breakfast at 7 o’clock
Did irina wear nice clothes day before yesterday
Did I drink coffee this morning
Did we see a spider yesterday
Did she eat apples this morning
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