Составьте разные виды вопросов(5) с каждым предложением: 1. hia aunt worked at the hospital five yers ago. 2. this patient needs examining at once. буду признательна, если .

zaika787 zaika787    2   10.07.2019 16:00    1

blaccyee0666 blaccyee0666  19.08.2020 08:18
1. Who worked at the hospital? 2. Did his aunt work at the hosputal five years ago? 3, did his aunt work at the hospital or at school five years ago? 4. His aunt worked at the hospital five years ago,didn't she? 5. Where did his aunt work? 1. Who needs examining at once? 2. Does this patient need examining at once? 3. This patient needs examining at once, doesn't he? 4. What does this patient need? 5. Does this patient need examining or operating?
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