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steamlox1 steamlox1    2   04.07.2019 16:00    0

Илья281382 Илья281382  28.07.2020 09:57
Halloween - a magical holiday, Courtyard surrounds conceals many mysteries. On this day all dress up in costumes of witches, zombies, vampires and more. Children go from house to house and ask konfety.Esli they do not give candy, then they should do some dirty trick. Teens are going to costume parties. Everywhere playing music and having fun all. Pass various contests: who better to suit both.
 as people vyrizayut pumpkin head Dzheka.Na table prepared pumpkin pies, and not the usual dishes .tak same punch.
On this day wakes nechist.No whatever it was not terrible, I love this holiday.
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