Составьте предложения при конструкции “much (far) + сравнительная степень прилагательного + than”.
Chinese, much, difficult, French Chinese is much more difficult than French.
1. the plane, much, fast, the train
2. Northern Ireland, far, small, Australia
3. dogs, much, clever, cats?
4. diamonds, far, expensive, rubies
5. discos, much, noisy, cinemas
6. speaking a foreign language, much, useful, reading it?
7. the Mediterranean, far, warm, the Baltic sea
8. football, much, dangerous, golf
9. married women, much, happy, single women?
10. Brazilian shoes, much, good, Russian shoes

VasyPupok228 VasyPupok228    3   10.12.2021 15:04    379

Sherlokzn Sherlokzn  22.01.2024 16:15
1. The plane is much faster than the train.
2. Northern Ireland is far smaller than Australia.
3. Are dogs much cleverer than cats?
4. Diamonds are far more expensive than rubies.
5. Discos are much noisier than cinemas.
6. Is speaking a foreign language much more useful than reading it?
7. The Mediterranean is far warmer than the Baltic Sea.
8. Football is much more dangerous than golf.
9. Are married women much happier than single women?
10. Brazilian shoes are much better than Russian shoes.
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