Составьте предложения из слов: 1 power/produces/scientists/cleaner/that/believe/nuclear/electricity/Some

2 any/one/engineers/have/computer/network/call/the/problems/you/Please/of/it/with/you

3 to/a/temple/off/you/take/forget/your/Don’t/shoes/when/enter

4 my/to take/to/car/needs/I’ll/it/have/fixing/garage/as/the

ayazhanbeibit5 ayazhanbeibit5    3   05.06.2020 11:38    35

дамчок дамчок  11.01.2024 21:00
1. Some scientists believe that nuclear power produces cleaner electricity.
- Многие ученые считают, что ядерная энергия производит более чистую электроэнергию.
- Explanation: The sentence is formed by arranging the words in a logical order. "Some scientists" is the subject, "believe" is the verb, and "that nuclear power produces cleaner electricity" is the object.

2. Please call the computer engineers. They have problems with the network.
- Пожалуйста, позвоните инженерам по компьютерам. У них проблемы с сетью.
- Explanation: The two sentences are combined to form one sentence. "Please call the computer engineers" is the first sentence. "They have problems with the network" is the second sentence.

3. Don't forget to take off your shoes when you enter a temple.
- Не забывайте снимать обувь, когда входите в храм.
- Explanation: The sentence is formed by arranging the words in a logical order. "Don't forget" is the main clause, and "to take off your shoes when you enter a temple" is the subordinate clause.

4. I'll have to take my car to the garage as it needs fixing.
- Мне придется отвезти мою машину в гараж, потому что она нуждается в починке.
- Explanation: The sentence is formed by arranging the words in a logical order. "I'll have to take my car to the garage" is the main clause, and "as it needs fixing" is the subordinate clause.
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