Составте предложения этими словами 4 make up sentences of the words. 1. children not anywhere / in / the hall! the. 2. there / any are /in/ bookcase copybooks the? 3. a was desk / classroom the there / in yesterday? 4. will! /abe/ / match stadium /at there /the/ tomorrow football. 5. some / were / students /at there /last the week/ lecture. 6 street /a/ there in cafe is this. 7. next will party /monday there a be on/ square / the? s. there many last discoveries were century? 9. ago / there / year enterprises /in not/ were any area / the / a. 10. pits / not here / will / any there be. 1. is / museum poor that there settlement /not in a 12. is cap /aflooronthe/ there. 13. is any /the water in there/ glass? 14. any / are /notpencil-box there pencils the / in. 15. is / the something on there / shelf.

germandoter germandoter    3   07.09.2019 03:00    0

AlinaAok AlinaAok  06.10.2020 22:17

1)There were not any children in the hall.

2)Are there any copybooks in the bookcase?

3)Was there a desk in the classroom yesterday?

4)There will be a football match at stadium tomorrow.

5)There were some students at the lecture last week.

6)There is a cafe in this street.

7)There will be a party on the square next Monday.

8)Were there many discoveries last century?

9)There were not any enterprises in the area year ago

10)There will not be any pits here.

11)There is not poor settlement in that museum.

12)There is a cap on the floor.

13)Is there any water in the glass?

14)There are not any pencils in the pencil-box.

15)There is something on the shelf.

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