Составьте предложения 1. the kremlin, the, is, moscow, of, centre; 2. red square, the of, heart, moscow, is. 3. for, moscow, famous, is, theatres, its. 4. the, seat, moscow, is, of. parliament, russian, the. 5. is, city, moscow, the, students, of.

0987123456530 0987123456530    2   19.07.2019 08:10    4

alina1932 alina1932  22.09.2020 11:49
1.The Kremlin is the centre of Moscow.
2.The Red Square is the heart of Moscow.
3.Moscow is famous for its theatres.
4.The Parliament is the Russian seat of Moscow.
5.Moscow is the city of students.
jarretquinswid jarretquinswid  22.09.2020 11:49
1.the kremlin is the centre of Moscow.2.Red Square is the heart of Moscow.3.Moscow is famous for its theatres.4.The Russian Parliament is the seat of Moscow.5.
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