Составте по три предложения( положительное, отрицательное, вопросительное) со словами eat, fall, give, read, speak, take, write !

ztv1978 ztv1978    3   01.10.2019 22:50    1

ПолинаПадафет15 ПолинаПадафет15  09.10.2020 10:32
I like eat apples. I do not like eat crisps. Do you like to eat sweets?
I fall in love. You will fall, if you do not look down. Do you like to fall?
I will give you the test. I do not give you this pen. Can you give me some water?
I have already read this book. I do not like reading detective stories. Which book are you reading now?
I can speak French.
I take the lunchbox with me. I did not take this book yesterday. Where will you take the answers?
I write the story. I do not write this dictate. When are you going to write this exercise?
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