Составьте отрицательные предложения в Past Indefinite, добавив по смыслу недостающие члены предложения: I, he, she
We, you, they

did not go, see, read, speak,
send, make, leave,
do, come, like, get,
spend, find, get up

дополнение и
(или) обстоятельство

megabobr11 megabobr11    1   30.11.2020 19:00    43

rfhbyf23690 rfhbyf23690  25.01.2024 16:12
1. I did not go to the party last night.
Explanation: In the Past Indefinite tense, the negative form is formed by adding "did not" before the base form of the verb. In this example, the base form of the verb "go" is used as it is without any changes. The adverbial phrase "to the party last night" is added to provide more context to the sentence.

2. He did not see the movie at the cinema.
Explanation: Again, "did not" is added before the base form of the verb "see". The direct object "the movie" provides additional information about what he did not see, and the phrase "at the cinema" specifies the location.

3. She did not read the book in one sitting.
Explanation: The negative form is formed the same way as in the previous examples. The direct object "the book" is added, and the phrase "in one sitting" gives more details about how she did not read it.

4. We did not speak to each other during the meeting.
Explanation: "Did not" is used before the base form of the verb "speak". The prepositional phrase "to each other" indicates the direction of the speech, and the phrase "during the meeting" specifies the time frame.

5. You did not send the email on time.
Explanation: The negative form is formed with "did not" before the base form of the verb "send". The direct object "the email" specifies what you did not send, and the phrase "on time" indicates when you failed to send it.

6. They did not make a mistake in their presentation.
Explanation: Again, "did not" is added before the base form of the verb "make". The direct object "a mistake" provides additional information about what they did not make, and the phrase "in their presentation" clarifies the context.

7. I did not leave my keys at home.
Explanation: The negative form is formed in the same way as in previous examples. The direct object "my keys" specifies what I did not leave, and the phrase "at home" gives more details about where I did not leave them.

8. We did not do our homework yesterday.
Explanation: "Did not" is used before the base form of the verb "do". The direct object "our homework" provides additional information about what we did not do, and the adverb of time "yesterday" specifies when we did not do it.

9. She did not come to the party with us.
Explanation: The negative form is formed the same way as in previous examples. The preposition "to" is used before the base form of the verb "come" to indicate the location, and the phrase "with us" specifies who she did not come with.

10. He did not like the movie ending.
Explanation: "Did not" is used before the base form of the verb "like". The direct object "the movie ending" gives more details about what he did not like.
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