Составьте отрицания и вопросы(общие, специальные, альтернативные, разделительные).my family watches tv every morning.2/ she had dinner rather late in the evening. 3. peopie often do stupid things. 4. the americans are hospitable.

Лина5678 Лина5678    1   08.06.2019 13:50    3

nastyakholod92 nastyakholod92  07.07.2020 18:15
1. My family watches TV every morning.
My family doesn't watch TV every morning. Does your family watch TV every morning? Does your family watch TV every morning or every evening? My family watches TV every morning, doesn't it? Who watches TV every morning? How often does your family watch TV?  

2. She had dinner rather late in the evening.
She didn't have dinner rather late in the evening. She had dinner rather late in the evening, didn't she? Did she have dinner rather late in the evening? Did she have dinner rather late or early in the evening? When did she have dinner? Who had dinner rather late in the evening?    

3. People often do stupid things.
People don't often do stupid things. Do people often do stupid things? Do people often or seldom do stupid things? People often do stupid things, don't they? What do people often do? Who often does stupid things?  

4. The Americans are hospitable.
The Americans aren't hospitable. Are the Americans hospitable? Are the Americans or the Russians hospitable? The Americans are hospitable, aren't they? Who is hospitable? What are the Americans like?
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