Составьте обычное предложение в вопросительное Предложения:
I was in the school.
He was in the bank.
We were in the home.
They were in the hospital.

Вот эти предложения превратите в вопросительные

leratolcynova leratolcynova    3   22.02.2021 19:21    0

ok683000 ok683000  22.02.2021 19:30

1 - Was I in the school?

2 - Was he in the bank?

3 - Were we in the home? (если правильно - at home)

4 - were they in the hospital?


В вопросах to be и местоимение (или имя) меняются местами - He was - was he. В глагольных предложениях to be нет, поэтому появляются - do/does в Present Simple, will в Future Simple и Future Perfect, did в Past Simple, have в Present Perfect и had в Past Perfect - she studies - does she study? He will go - will he go? I have eaten - have I eaten? She had been to Marocco before she died - had she been... и т. д.

Надеюсь понятно объяснил : )

zontikmily zontikmily  22.02.2021 19:30


Was I in the school?

was he in the bank ?

were we in the home?

Were they in the hospital?

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык