Составьте общие и специальные вопросы к предложениям: 1)Our school has a computer class,
2)Mary likes History.
3)They are in the park.
4)My friends read comics every day.
5)My parents have got musical instruments.

inakuleshova19 inakuleshova19    2   20.12.2020 14:26    0

madike madike  19.01.2021 14:26

Where does our school have a computer class?

Does our school have a computer class?

Why does Mary like History?

Does Mary like history?

Where are they?

Are they in the park?

Who does read comics everyday ?

Do my friends read comics everyday ?

Who has got musical instruments ?

Have my parents got musical instruments ?


Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык