Составьте 5 предложений с любыми из слов character-характер connect-соеденение consider - считать entertainment-развлечение gon-бог introduce-представлять organize- организовать possible-возможный

Vika223344 Vika223344    3   02.10.2019 01:40    1

Nenormalnyi Nenormalnyi  09.10.2020 10:45
1.My family are believe in Gon.
2.I love intertainment with my friends.
3.She can consider money.
4.In my dream I always introduce yourself a famous translator.
5. He loves his character.
Иноним1111111 Иноним1111111  09.10.2020 10:45

The girl has a strong character.

The corridor connects these rooms.

I considered him to be my friend.

Let me introduce myself.

Is it possible that you are wrong?

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