Составьте 5 предложений present continionus (положительное,отрицательное,вопросительное)

Tanya21105 Tanya21105    2   04.06.2019 22:30    1

Lane9ig Lane9ig  01.10.2020 19:27
5 положительных :
She is looking for a better job.
The Browns are visiting us tonight.
His English is getting better.
She is having a party at the moment.
He is always borrowing money from me.
5 отрицательных:
She is not cooking dinner.
I am not doing my homework.
They are not reading a text.
Mary is not listening to him.
They are not talking.
5 вопросительных:
Is she crying?
Are you working?
Where are they cooking?
What is he drawing?
What are you doing?
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