Составьте 10 предложений с True or False по этому тексту.
Canada, the second largest country in the world, belongs to sparsely populated countries. Huge spaces on its territory are almost deserted. Entire areas are covered almost all year round with snow and ice in the north of the country. Not so many people live at the west, in the Rocky Mountains. In the east, towns and villages are occasionally found, among the boundless wheat fields. Almost the entire population of Canada lives in the southeast, near the border with the United States of America.
Most Canadians speak English, but for some of them, especially the inhabitants of the province of Quebec, the main language is French. Many descendants of the first French settlers, settled on the east coast of Canada in the XVI century in these places. The speech of the indigenous inhabitants of North America, the Indians, is rarely heard now. Canada has a longstanding trade relationship with its neighbour – USA.
The western part of Canada is mountainous. The ridges of the Rockies stretch from the north of Alaska to the south to the border with the USA along the Pacific coast. Mountain coniferous forests are a paradise for bears and other wild animals.
The territory of the Yukon is in the north-west of Canada. This area is not widely populated, although its interior is rich in silver, zinc, lead and gold. The famous "golden fever” was on the Klondike River in the 90th years of the XIX century here. The numerous gold prospectors and adventurers who came here founded the village of Whitehorse, which in 1952 became the centre of the Yukon territory. Winters here are long and cold, but in summer the temperature often rises to 16 °C. Due to this, the Yukon is rich in vegetation, which makes the autumn landscape unusually picturesque. The moose, the reindeer caribou, the American beaver and the brown grizzly bear live on the territory of the Yukon.
More than 3 million Canadians live in Toronto. It is a major business centre and the capital of the province of Ontario. In Toronto, there are many high-rise buildings, among them the Canadian national television tower which is 553 meters high.
The city of Quebec is the oldest city in Canada and the centre of the province of Quebec. The French style of architecture reminds that the first settlers arrived here from France. The city itself was founded by a French explorer Samuel de Champlain in 1608. The city remained part of the French colony until its capture by the British in 1759. Today's Quebec is the centre of the Canadian Francophone culture. French is the official language here, and the majority of the people of Quebec are Catholics. Quebecers are so different from the rest of the Canadians that for many years they are fighting for political independence.

EvgeniyNou EvgeniyNou    2   13.04.2020 08:22    9

Sergfijd Sergfijd  27.04.2020 04:49

вот тру

во фолс

это изи читать не хочу


короче бери факт из текста и посте предложения .тру

потом другой факт и переделай его, что-бы он был не верный.

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