Составте 10 предложений с this, that

palienkoana palienkoana    1   21.06.2019 11:00    0

Ali8b Ali8b  16.07.2020 23:51
Вот самые элементарные предложения(не из переводчика)
This is  beautiful city!
What did you do yesterday?
What's this?
This is my family.
What's up?
I do not know what it is!
This birthday is the best!
What do you want?
I had no idea what to do!
That can you do?
kesha25521 kesha25521  16.07.2020 23:51
All the cities THAT they came to.
I think THAT today is a good day.
Usually THIS store closes at 5 pm.
There is a store THAT sells mittens for cars I would like to get oue.
She should take THIS book.
Is THIS your car?
Swimming in THAT icy water!
THIS exchange was the most successful in my life.
How do you interpret THIS quote?
The woman THAT came to the restaurant.
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