Составьте 10 предложений с этими словами

maxtihvin maxtihvin    3   22.04.2020 16:21    1

likaaaasf likaaaasf  13.09.2020 13:57

1) American singers known all over the world.

2) "Provance" means "small village" from french.

3)Police was created to keep the laws from it's breaking.

4) Criminals main thoughts are about how to break the laws.

5) Rainbow is beautiful mixture of colours.

6) My main dream is to lead a quite life.

7) My grandfather wanted to be buried near the church.

8) My friends and I buried the box with coins as we were kids.

9) Main laws of nature are simple and predictable , but cruel.

10) The whole class of girls and boys wants to take part in sport's competition.


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