Составить вопросы к этим предложениям (в скобках указано какие именно): they oppose free trade because they favour self-sufficiency autarky (общий вопрос). they traditional measure of gdp incorporates only those things that are paid for, this may include things that reduse the overall quality of life (альтернативный вопрос). cleaning up an oil spill will increase gdp if people are paid for the clean-up (специальный вопрос). much of the damage done to the environment may be a result of externalities (разделительный вопрос). car drivers do not have to bear the full cost of making their contribution to global warming (разделительный вопрос).

chitaevtimur134 chitaevtimur134    1   22.07.2019 20:20    1

аринка129 аринка129  07.08.2020 20:57
Do they oppose free trade because they favour self-sufficiency Autarky?
Do they traditional measure of GDP incorporates only those things that are paid for or not paid for?
What will increase GDP if people are paid for the clean-up?
Much of the damage done to the environment may be a result of externalities , do not it?
Car drivers do not have to bear the full cost of making their contribution to global warming , do they?
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