Составить вопросы используя словосочетания: go out, come in, open the window, use his (her) book, help him (her), close the door, sit down, water flowers, switch on (off) the video (mp3 player, tv), borroe his (her) rubber. пример: may i -- sure. can i -- yes, of course. could i -- no, i'm afraid not.

Дмитрий1425 Дмитрий1425    1   11.06.2019 06:30    3

kif1305 kif1305  09.07.2020 10:20
-May i go out? - sure
-can i close the door? - yes.of corse
-may i come in? -sure
could i help him? и.т.д;)
Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык