Составить вопрос 2 you/what/going to/study/are? 3 have/like to /would/you/a gap year? 4 english/are/planning to/use/in the future/you? s would/visit/like to/you/where? 6 be/want to/do/in the future/you/what?

FrozeFre FrozeFre    1   22.06.2019 00:20    2

380974769507p06wmj 380974769507p06wmj  17.07.2020 11:25
2 what are you going to study?
3 would you like have a gap yefr?
4 are you planning to use english in the  future?
5 where would you like to visit?
6 what you want to do in the future? 
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