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ангел809 ангел809    1   07.10.2019 15:50    2

Эмиральд Эмиральд  11.08.2020 15:04
Hello, today I want to tell you about my volunteer trip to Africa. I went there one year ago with my friend. She was invited by her relatives there and she took me with her. In the beginning, it wasn’t a volunteer trip, we only wanted to learn something more about their culture and just have fun, but when we arrived, I was shocked. We passed a huge amount of slums, where were makeshift schools and poor people without homes. So we decided to help children, who live there and started teaching them basic subjects. First days it was very hard, moreover, I had thoughts that I shouldn’t be there, but after some days I fell in love with these smart children. When it came to go home, I was crying.
To sum up, I think this time was eye-opening for me and I am sure that I will go there and help another children again.
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