Составить степени сравнения прилагательных по образцу: strong – составить степени сравнения прилагательных по образцу: strong – stronger – (the) strongest careful – more careful – (the) most careful nice, cold, friendly, hot, pleasant, easy, fatstronger – (the) strongest careful – more careful – (the) most careful nice, cold, friendly, hot, pleasant, easy, fat

Ямайкамафака Ямайкамафака    2   13.01.2020 17:01    1

Haker2216 Haker2216  11.10.2020 00:30

Nice - nicer - the nicest

cold - colder - the coldest

friendly - more friendly - most friendly

hot - hotter - the hottest

pleasant - more pleasant - most pleasant

easy - easier  - the easiest

fat - fatter - the fattest

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