Составить рецепт любимого блюда бисквит ингридиенты 5 яиц, 1 стакан сахара, 1 стакан муки надо начать так to make first . . next . finally, .

Kazhimyrat0210 Kazhimyrat0210    3   26.05.2019 12:30    0

anser8539 anser8539  22.06.2020 22:53
To make biscuits we need five eggs ,one glass of flour .First of all we must mix all the ingridiens .Then put this mixture into a shallow pan.Next we put a shallow pan into the oven and wait at 170°for an hour.Finally we may cover our biscuits with grated chocolate(as you like).Our biscuits are ready!
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