Составить рассказ или диалог,используя данные слова тема- a young actress one's ambition, to be upset, to go on the stage, talented, to be a success, the leading part, to greet with a storm of applause, to be excited, to be happy

missgur04 missgur04    1   09.06.2019 06:20    1

dondokuchaev2015 dondokuchaev2015  08.07.2020 06:23
Reporter: Hello, can I ask you a few questions? Actress: Sure Reporter: How did you get his popularity? Actress: In high school I wrote a very good book, and in the 15 years I was offered to try an actress. Journalist: Are you happy becoming an actress? Actress: Of course, I have a lot of fans and I'm a little help some glorified.-Журналист:Здравствуйте,можно я задам вам несколько вопросов?Актриса:КонечноЖурналист:Как вы добились своей популярности?Актриса:В школе я очень хорошо писала сочинения,и в 15 лет мне предложили попробовать роль актрисы.Журналист:Счастливы ли вы став актрисой?Актриса:конечно,у меня много фанатов и некоторым я немного прославится.
(Тут конечно не все слова но некоторые есть.)
оопгп оопгп  08.07.2020 06:23
-Do you know Angelina Jolie?
-No, I don't, who is she?
- She is a very talented actress! Every one of films,where she was shooted, is awesome!
- Really?
-Yeah. People greet her with a storm of applause at the premieres of the films!
-Good, can you advice me some of films with her appearance?
- Yes.of course! A new film is up,called "Maleficent", i'm so excited !
- Let's go 
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