Составить, предложения употребляя am/is , are и один из этих глаголов building, coming, playing, standing, swimming, 1. listen! pat … the piano. 2. they ….. a new hotel in the city centre at the moment. 3. look! somebody …. in the river . 4. ‘you …. on my foot.’ ‘oh, i’m sorry.’ 5. hurry up! the bus …. .

динара1316 динара1316    3   15.08.2019 05:20    1

Sandra2516 Sandra2516  04.10.2020 20:21
1. Listen! Pat …is ..playing.. the piano. 
2. They …are building.. a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.
3. Look! Somebody is.swimming. in the river .
4. ‘You …are..standing on my foot.   - ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’
5. Hurry up! The bus …is. ..coming .
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